DEAR GOOGLE ADSENSE TEAM, THIS PAGE HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF PLACING ADSENSE ADS IN AREAS THAT ARE “ENCOURAGING ADDITIONAL CLICKS”. I WOULD LIKE THE EYES OF A HUMAN TO INSPECT THIS PAGE AND NOT SOME PROGRAMMED BOT. I HAVE AN AD AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS POST AND TWO ON THE SIDE MENU. I sometimes post things on my site so I have a record of it and can reference back whenever I need the information. Does your video camera record capture .MOD files in 16:9 but displays 4:3 in Windows Movie Maker? Well, here’s a solution: Several camcorders that record to an internal hdd store video in files with a .MOD extension. Unfortunately I couldn’t import these directly into Windows Movie Maker. To get the footage into Windows Movie Maker find a program called SDCOPY . By default my Canon FS100 records in widescreen mode (16:9 aspect ratio). However, it doesn’t properly set a flag in the .MOD file to indicate this so several programs (including GSpot codec appliance) report th...
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