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Showing posts from August, 2013

VLC For OUYA Now Available

I’m happy to announce that VideoLAN has released VLC for OUYA Android gaming console! Downloading and installing VLC is simple, just SEARCH ‘VLC’ in the Discover section of your OUYA menu, select and ‘Download Now’. Watch the video below for the easy install!

Speeding Up A Mac

Whether you’re Windows or Mac owner we ALL want our computers to run in fast and timely manner. Sometimes it seems that in a Windows world, there are more optimization tips you can run than on a Mac. For example, for those who are still using platter hard drives, Windows has disk defragmentation. But of course, this option is not found in Macs because (from what I’ve heard) OS X stores documents in a manner that does not need fragmentation. So let’s go over a few easy tips that will help you keep you Mac running speedily along. And don’t worry, these easy tips that will not suggest you swap out your drive for a solid state unit. Hopefully you’ll enjoy my list of curated tips on speeding up a mac! 1. Clean Your Hard Disk Drive If you have old photos, movies or music that you don’t access anymore, I would suggest moving them to another storage device. Having your hard drive full will increase access times so it’s best to keep it lean. To view what...