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Upgrade XBMC v.13 On Apple TV 2


Hi folks. This tutorial is for the those with an Apple TV 2 that is already jail broken. For some of us, we’ve had our Apple TV 2’s jail broken for quite a while now and XBMC maybe be outdated. There’s nothing wrong with an outdated version of XBMC. When I first jail broke my Apple TV 2, XBMC version 11 was released. And since jail breaking, XBMC has been stuck at version 11. Again, there’s nothing wrong with having an older copy of XBMC; as they say, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. And besides, there maybe some plugins that are not yet compatible with the latest and greatest version of XBMC.

But for those who what to use the latest version of XBMC on their Apple TV 2, there’s the easiest way to upgrade.

Upgrade XBMC On Apple TV 2 NOW

  1. Download yourself a copy of “into Installer” which is available for free and install (Mac / Windows).
  2. Be sure that your Apple TV 2 (which is already jailbroken) is on the network and your computer is on the same network
  3. Execute the Installer app, click on “Upgrade XBMC” and WAIT
  4. Once the upgrade completed, your Apple TV 2 will restart and right away, you’ll see that the XBMC icon in the menu of your Apple TV 2 has changed
  5. Congratulations, you have upgraded XBMC to the latest version which as of this writing, is version 13.

Something to note that I have mentioned, not all your plugins may work with the latest version of XBMC so be sure to do due diligence on the popular plugins you use to be sure they are compatible with the newest release of XBMC.

