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Showing posts with the label OUYA

Install Netflix App On OUYA

Up until last month, one of the things that kept OUYA from replacing my jailbroken apple tv2 was the absence of Netflix. I have been out of the OUYA loop so I missed out on version 1.0 of Netflix. I believe since November 2013, Netflix for Ouya is up to version 3.0 and it works great. One thing to note, I haven’t found the option to switch between user accounts. So you login and it appears that the main account holder’s movie list is displayed. The process of getting Netflix on your OUYA is extremly simple and is excuted in a matter of minutes. The hardest part of this process is finding the link to the Netflix APK. Luckly, if you’re on your OUYA right NOW, you can simply click on the following link NETFLIX 3.0 .APK FOR OUYA , and you should be brought to my Dropbox holding the Netflix APK for you to install. For instructions to  install the Netflix app on OUYA, please watch my video below. I believe everything should be presented to you in a simple manner. DOWNLOADS R...

VLC For OUYA Now Available

I’m happy to announce that VideoLAN has released VLC for OUYA Android gaming console! Downloading and installing VLC is simple, just SEARCH ‘VLC’ in the Discover section of your OUYA menu, select and ‘Download Now’. Watch the video below for the easy install!

Install XBMC On OUYA

One of the cool things about owning an OUYA Android gaming console, is that you can side load apps AND the fact that the creators of OUYA encourage hacking the box. I think that’s one of the reasons I decided to support and donate to the OUYA Kickstarter a year ago. Well, a year has pasted and I received my OUYA console near the end of May. So what we’ll do now is install XBMC on OUYA. XBMC will not be found on OUYA’s game ‘store’, it’ll have to installed by downloading it from a website first. I have run through the download and install instructions on my video below, which can be found on my YouTube Channel along with over 200 other videos I have created and posted. httpv:// DIRECTIONS TO INSTALL XBMC ON OUYA Navigate to MAKE –> SOFTWARE –> BROWSER Navigate to the website ‘ ‘. Downloading will begin automatically. The file is about 50Mb. Once downloading has complet...

OUYA Unfairly Targeted at E3 2013

OUYA IS HERE, LOOK AT ME OUYA , the open source Android console has been unfairly targeted at this year’s E3 2013. After reading the article posted by IGN, it appears that attempts were made to BLOCK OUYA ‘s display from E3 attendees. Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the company which owns and operates the E3 Expo went as far as calling the police to shut down OUYA ‘s public presence. EARNING STREET CRED The incident escalated when Ouya organizers had their console on display across the street from the Los Angeles Convention Centre. ESA then rented out spaces on front of the Ouya displays and parked semi-trucks in which Ouya was blocked from view. Clearly, we see the start of Ouya unfairly targeted. ESCALATION Ouya then responded by renting out the spots in front of the semi-trucks and setup their banners and displays. Finally, ESA took action again and called the LAPD. The police showed up and asked to see Ouya ‘s permits. MY THOUGHTS My opinion on...

OUYA's Emulators Submitted For Review

Over at the OUYA forum, I found a ‘tidbit’ of information for fans of old school retro games. The posting found on the forum states that several well known emulators will be coming to the OUYA. Those gamers who love the classic NES and SNES games should rejoice. According to the developer of  EMUya, the NES emulator  has already been submitted for review and should be available on the the OUYA at launch (March 28th). SNES & N64 fans will have a options as well. Both the  SuperGNES SNES emulator , and  Mupen64Plus N64 Emulator , will also be ported over to the OUYA. We have confirmed that the Mupen64Plus emulator will be available at launch. On top of this, today, we’ve learned via  twitter  that one developer is even working on an N-Gage emulator for the console. For me, this is exciting news, I always love kicking back old school and play an 8-bit or 16-bit title from back in the day. You can be sure that I’ll be keeping an eye on the emulator front. There i...

All You Need To Know About OUYA version 1

Are you waiting to get your hands on an OUYA Android gaming console ? If you’re like me, you may have already donated or backed the OUYA project through Kickstarter and are anticipating it’s arrival in March of 2013. It’s currently Feb 2013 and we’re a month away from receiving the console by mail. If you’re still skeptical about the console, or are looking for more information regarding the console, I decided to put together a ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OUYA post. The following facts below are from OUYA ‘s Press Kit: So what is OUYA?  OUYA is a new kind of game console for the TV that upends the console market: by bringing the openness of mobile and Internet platforms to console games for the first time. • A game console that plugs into your TV, and includes a beautifully-designed game controller • Built on Android, with a custom user interface and game store • Open to any developer to publish a game – unlike any of the current game consoles • Pow...